Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Blackthorn and Other Sloe Gin Delights

The holidays are upon us, and too often this is a season of excess, so if you’re interested in beverages you can sip all evening without shooting holes in your liver and brain, I have two words for you: Sloe. Gin. “Sloe Gin? I’ve heard of that—what is it, anyway?”Sloe gin isn’t quite gin; it’s … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Blackthorn and Other Sloe Gin Delights

Nicholas Longworth: The “Father of the American Wine Industry”

I wrote this article as a guest post for “Wine, Wit, and Wisdom”—the official blog of the Society of Wine Educators—which published it on January 3, 2021. He was an unlikely character working with an unlikely grape in an unlikely location that would nevertheless become the cradle of American winemaking: The state of Ohio. Yes, … Continue reading Nicholas Longworth: The “Father of the American Wine Industry”