Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Tuxedo No. 2

If you’ve flirted with drinking dry Martinis but stopped short of fully embracing them, I can’t blame you; everything about the classic Martini is an acquired taste—the gin, the dry vermouth, and the olive. But the Martini has some siblings and cousins you may enjoy all the way through to the last sip, and the … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Tuxedo No. 2

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ramos Gin Fizz

Fair warning that this cocktail is more complicated to make than most of the drinks we’ve featured so far—but the holiday season is upon us, and what better time to impress your family and friends with rich, creamy, delicious cocktails? And aren’t they worth it? Aren’t you??  The Ramos Gin Fizz has a long, colorful … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ramos Gin Fizz

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: the Surf and Turf Cocktail

I see no steak. I see no lobster. So what’s with this cocktail's name? It was created only recently by Simon Difford (of Difford's Guide fame), but it's a riff on a drink that's at least 125 years old - the Turf Club Cocktail, which was named after one of the saloons that first merchandised … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: the Surf and Turf Cocktail

Cooks World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ampersand

What a curious thing, to name a cocktail after a punctuation mark. The Ampersand isn’t the only punctuation-themed cocktail in the world. There’s the Three Dots and a Dash (what’s Morse code, after all, other than a long string of punctuation marks?), and there’s an Oxford Comma cocktail (apparently nothing less than an Oxford comma … Continue reading Cooks World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ampersand

The Martinez

I’m back after knocking off for a while to polish up a presentation for the vermouth seminar I did at Pinnacle Wine & Liquor on October 26. Some of that material will appear here on the Libation Lounge in upcoming weeks.  Meanwhile, back to mixing cocktails! Today’s feature is a minor but (I believe) historically … Continue reading The Martinez

The Alaska Cocktail (or, “The Further Adventures of Genepy”)

The Further Adventures of Genepy: Finally - a non-limey cocktail that really showcases the flavor of Genepy le Chamois! This is a classic cocktail based on Old Tom Gin and Yellow Chartreuse. I subsituted Genepy for the Chartreuse in this, and the slightly stronger flavors of the Genepy pair beautifully with the Old Tom! Michael, … Continue reading The Alaska Cocktail (or, “The Further Adventures of Genepy”)