Cocktail of the Week: Archibald’s Last Memory

Presented by Cooks’ World and Pinnacle Wine & Liquor This is one very delicious cocktail. I knew from the ingredients that it would be, but the name is magnetic, too: "Archibald's Last Memory." If you had three or four of these, it very well could be your last. But just one is a sublime experience. … Continue reading Cocktail of the Week: Archibald’s Last Memory

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Tuxedo No. 2

If you’ve flirted with drinking dry Martinis but stopped short of fully embracing them, I can’t blame you; everything about the classic Martini is an acquired taste—the gin, the dry vermouth, and the olive. But the Martini has some siblings and cousins you may enjoy all the way through to the last sip, and the … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Tuxedo No. 2

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Here comes cocktail Santa Claus

There are dozens and dozens of holiday-themed and holiday-appropriate cocktails one can make to please and amaze family and friends at this time of year. I’ll begin with my very favorite, which I originally posted on this blog a year ago, and then move on to a few others. And my very favorite holiday cocktail … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Here comes cocktail Santa Claus

Grab some sake and make this your “summer” Manhattan

If you haven’t heard it from me yet, you’re destined to hear me say this repeatedly: Get over the notion that brown spirits are for winter and white spirits are for summer. Here’s an excellent example of how to make your favorite whiskey cocktail more summer friendly—or simply more of a ‘session’ drink if you’re … Continue reading Grab some sake and make this your “summer” Manhattan

I’M SEEING RED (Manhattans)!!!

No, seriously, I am. I mean, if you understand that I have red-green (not Red Green) deficient vision, it's exciting and newsworthy when I *actually see* red. I can only imagine what you so-called normal people see.  Of course, I thought Manhattans were already red.  This is essentially a conventional Manhattan, enhanced with doses of … Continue reading I’M SEEING RED (Manhattans)!!!

Wordsmith: The perfect cocktail for … wordsmiths

“You are what you drink.” Or is it, “you drink what you are?” In the instant case, either would make me old, tart, and full of medicine. Pretty close to the mark. I’m one of the minority of humans fortunate enough to have made a living sitting on my brains and bandying words for hire. … Continue reading Wordsmith: The perfect cocktail for … wordsmiths

The Martinez

I’m back after knocking off for a while to polish up a presentation for the vermouth seminar I did at Pinnacle Wine & Liquor on October 26. Some of that material will appear here on the Libation Lounge in upcoming weeks.  Meanwhile, back to mixing cocktails! Today’s feature is a minor but (I believe) historically … Continue reading The Martinez