Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Black Sabbath

First, happy Burns Night to all who celebrate! Tonight’s the night!! We conclude our month-long observation of Burns Night with a rock star of Scotch whisky cocktails: the Black Sabbath. (See what I did there?) This is a very, very easy cocktail to make. Smoky Islay whiskies (and mezcals, tequilas, and other strongly flavored, aromatic … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Black Sabbath

For Burns Night: The Bobby Burns Cocktail

Happy 265th birthday (well, on January 25th) to Robert Burns, and happy Burns Night to all my friends who celebrate! I’ve already posted my annual homage to Scotland’s bard, so let's talk about the cocktail that bears his name.  I chose the word “bears” carefully, because it turns out that this drink may not have … Continue reading For Burns Night: The Bobby Burns Cocktail

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Peat’s Dragon

It’s December again. Well, not quite—but there was snow in the air and on the ground in Western New York early this week, so I call the horseshoes rule: It’s close enough. But you didn’t click over here for a weather report; either you’re here and know this already, or you aren’t and you don’t … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Peat’s Dragon

It’s almost Thanksgiving—a holiday made for “Drunk Uncles”

The old adage says, "you are what you eat." Or, in my case, "you are what you drink,” and I do have a dozen nieces and nephews. I can’t think of a better holiday than Thanksgiving to enjoy a cocktail named for a tipsy uncle. One description I found calls this cocktail a "Scotch Negroni." Ehhhh … Continue reading It’s almost Thanksgiving—a holiday made for “Drunk Uncles”

Armchair Travel: The Whisky Isles by Bike

If you're a Scotch whisky lover, you've heard about Islay (pronounced 'eye-luh') and Jura, and maybe you've been fortunate enough to visit there (I haven't, but that trip's on my bucket list). Here's a YouTube video from the Global Cycling Network of two cyclists seeing those islands up close and personal, gravel roads, mud, shaggy … Continue reading Armchair Travel: The Whisky Isles by Bike