Cocktail of the Week: The Vieux Carré

Presented by Cooks’ World and Pinnacle Wine & Liquor The Vieux Carré (pronounced VOO ca-RAY) was created in 1938 by Walter Bergeron, the head bartender at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans, and takes its name from the French term for "The French Quarter”—le Vieux Carré ("Old Square"). The Monteleone is one of the Quarter's … Continue reading Cocktail of the Week: The Vieux Carré

Cocktails of the Week: Corpse Revivers No. 1 and No. 2

Presented by Cooks’ World and Pinnacle Wine & Liquor I admit I’m irreverent at times. Not unfaithful, but irreverent. And because I’m irreverent, my delicious and theologically accurate cocktail every Easter Sunday since Easter 2020 is … a Corpse Reviver. The Corpse Reviver cocktail is more of an idea than a specific recipe. The idea … Continue reading Cocktails of the Week: Corpse Revivers No. 1 and No. 2

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Here comes cocktail Santa Claus

There are dozens and dozens of holiday-themed and holiday-appropriate cocktails one can make to please and amaze family and friends at this time of year. I’ll begin with my very favorite, which I originally posted on this blog a year ago, and then move on to a few others. And my very favorite holiday cocktail … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Here comes cocktail Santa Claus

Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Champs Élysée

This cocktail recipe is almost 100 years old (at least) as it appeared first in the recipe collection “Drinks Long and Short” in 1925. It took an appearance in Harry Craddock’s 1930 Savoy Cocktail Book, to popularize the drink.  For my fellow travelers who never took French classes—click here to learn the correct pronunciation.  The … Continue reading Cooks’ World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: Champs Élysée

Cooks World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ampersand

What a curious thing, to name a cocktail after a punctuation mark. The Ampersand isn’t the only punctuation-themed cocktail in the world. There’s the Three Dots and a Dash (what’s Morse code, after all, other than a long string of punctuation marks?), and there’s an Oxford Comma cocktail (apparently nothing less than an Oxford comma … Continue reading Cooks World/Pinnacle Liquor Cocktail of the Week: The Ampersand

The Grande Champagne Cosmopolitan

This is not your Desperate Housewives Cosmo. It’s a frothy, creamy, elegant, Cognac-based Cosmopolitan that takes its name from the sub-region of Cognac, France, considered to produce the highest quality grapes for the iconic brandy we know as Cognac: Grande Champagne. Of note, this part of the Cognac region has nothing at all to do … Continue reading The Grande Champagne Cosmopolitan


I got this recipe from Crazy Edouard—he’s … IN-SEINE!!! I know. I'm showing my age, and references to 1970s tri-state area electronics retailers and divey pop-culture icons don’t really belong in a sophisticated cocktail blog such as this, but … Simon Difford created and named this drink, so don’t blame me! (You kids just click … Continue reading In-Seine

The Parlez-vous Irish Cocktail

Continuing the Franco-Irish theme from yesterday’s Brotherhood cocktail, here’s a great recipe that actually does include Cognac alongside the Irish whiskey. It’s up to you whether to go full Franco-Irish and use Hennessey Cognac or select your favorite other Cognac. I happened to use Jameson Black Barrel Irish whiskey for this one, but use your … Continue reading The Parlez-vous Irish Cocktail