Review: Agave Gin (I know. I was shocked, too.)

If gin flew to Mexico and had a fling with mezcal, this would be their love child. Stick with me, because this love story takes a little explanation, starting with a 30,000 foot review of how gin is made before we get into the particulars of Gracias a Díos (GAD) Agave Gin. “Daddy, where does … Continue reading Review: Agave Gin (I know. I was shocked, too.)

I Try This S**t so You Don’t Have to: Glow Coasters

Well, they sounded like a good idea ... I saw this product mentioned in a trade magazine article a couple of weeks ago, along with a very lovely photo, so I decided to try them. In some of my cocktail photos over the years, I've experimented with various approaches to up-lighting, and the premise is … Continue reading I Try This S**t so You Don’t Have to: Glow Coasters

Of Irish Maids and Dead Rabbits

What penance does the Archbishop of Dublin prescribe for a supplicant who makes a drink called “Irish Maid,” using Irish whiskey, but incorporating an English cucumber?? Asking for a friend.  Okay, don’t answer that. Anyone who has a drop of Irish blood in them—or who lives within 100 miles of anyone who does, which is … Continue reading Of Irish Maids and Dead Rabbits

Method Spirits Sweet Vermouth: A kiss from the Finger Lakes

Locavores and Upstate New York cocktail lovers in general, this sweet vermouth is especially for you. In post-World War II United States, vermouth was one of the most under-appreciated and therefore under-used beverage categories behind the bar; blame that on Prohibition and on the millions of GIs, sailors, Marines, and airmen who came home from … Continue reading Method Spirits Sweet Vermouth: A kiss from the Finger Lakes