Cocktail of the Week (National Bourbon Day Edition): Prospector No. 2

Presented by Cooks’ World and Pinnacle Wine & Liquor One of my favorite bourbon cocktails of all time This Friday (June 14) is National Bourbon Day—a perfect occasion to spotlight one of the best bourbon cocktails I’ve come across in the past year or so. Prospector No. 2 is a full-bodied, bourbon-forward cocktail with contributions … Continue reading Cocktail of the Week (National Bourbon Day Edition): Prospector No. 2

Cocktails of the Week: Corpse Revivers No. 1 and No. 2

Presented by Cooks’ World and Pinnacle Wine & Liquor I admit I’m irreverent at times. Not unfaithful, but irreverent. And because I’m irreverent, my delicious and theologically accurate cocktail every Easter Sunday since Easter 2020 is … a Corpse Reviver. The Corpse Reviver cocktail is more of an idea than a specific recipe. The idea … Continue reading Cocktails of the Week: Corpse Revivers No. 1 and No. 2

Scotch Whisky lovers: Make a Burns Night plan

Rochester area friends, come to Pinnacle Wine & Liquor between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, January 20! Mark this on your calendar: From 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, January 20, Pinnacle Wine & Liquor will hold its third annual Burns Day Scotch whisky tasting—a midwinter celebration of Scotland’s two greatest gifts to the … Continue reading Scotch Whisky lovers: Make a Burns Night plan

The Martinez

I’m back after knocking off for a while to polish up a presentation for the vermouth seminar I did at Pinnacle Wine & Liquor on October 26. Some of that material will appear here on the Libation Lounge in upcoming weeks.  Meanwhile, back to mixing cocktails! Today’s feature is a minor but (I believe) historically … Continue reading The Martinez

Her Majesty’s Favorite: Was she Team Dubonnet or Team Martini?

Royal funerals are certainly more sober events than royal weddings, but just as rare, so I hope everyone will forgive this descendant of English yeoman farmers for being fascinated by the moment. In fact, Nancy and I plan to watch the entire proceeding on Monday, September 19—provided we succeed in recording it all. (We’re interested, … Continue reading Her Majesty’s Favorite: Was she Team Dubonnet or Team Martini?

The Apricot Rickey—and why it’s called a “Rickey”

Spring is officially here in the Northern Hemisphere, at least on the calendar, and it’s even starting to look and feel like spring here in Rochester, NY. Lawns are greening up and growing, I see buds on a couple of the shrubs around my yard, and I see bicyclists here and there on our roads. … Continue reading The Apricot Rickey—and why it’s called a “Rickey”

The Brotherhood (Aye, but sisters like it, too.)

On this St. Patrick’s Day Eve, we offer a liquid tribute to the centuries-old bond between the peoples of Ireland and France. There is a history of commerce between the two nations dating back to the 12th century and beyond. Even before 1796, when France sent an expedition to support an Irish rebellion against the … Continue reading The Brotherhood (Aye, but sisters like it, too.)